How to get System Directory using delphi !!
Hello every one , in this topic I'll represent to you the Function responsible for getting System directory Full Name !!
First :
You have to use those library in delphi :
In delphi 7 version : use those ( Windows, SysUtils, Classes, IOUtils )
In delphi Xe2 and higher : use those space-names ( Winapi.Windows, System.SysUtils, System.Classes, IOUtils )
Go to the uses section code and type :
Windows, SysUtils, Classes, IOUtils;
Windows, SysUtils, Classes, IOUtils;
Second :
And then go to the Implementation section and type this function :
function GetSystemDir: AnsiString; var buf: array [0 .. MAX_PATH] of Char; begin GetSystemDirectory(buf, SizeOf(buf)); result := AnsiString(buf); end; |
How Can I use this ?
with a simple call ..... GetSystemDir()
the function retrun the full name of system directory
in a format of AnsiString
you can convert to string and any other format !! it not a problem .
Thank you.
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