How to check internet connection using delphi!!
Hello every one , in this topic I'll represente to you the Function responsible for making sure your internet connection.
First :
You have to use those library in delphi : ( WIndows , WinInet )
Go to the uses section code and type :
Second :
And then go to the Implementation section and type this function :
function checkInternet(): boolean; var dwFlags : DWORD; begin dwFlags :=INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM + INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN + INTERNET_CONNECTION_PROXY ; RESULT := InternetGetConnectedState(@dwFlags,0); end; |
How Can I use this ?
with a simple call ..... checkInternet()
the function retrun 1 if connection
else return 0 if disconnection
Thank you.
with a simple call ..... checkInternet()
the function retrun 1 if connection
else return 0 if disconnection
Thank you.
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